Liv is home alone + riots in London : Dave is down under as best man


It's been a crazy week.
Monday night when Dave left for Australia to attend his brothers wedding, the awful riots in London took off.
Not only wasn't I able to join him because I couldn't get time off work now also this.
Being home alone while our city and neighborhood got smashed and set on fire.
I didn't sleep Monday night, I was too scared and anxious and kept up watching the news.
I couldn't believe what I saw.
Next day everyone got sent home early from work, all shops and businesses were closed and locked up with wood in front of their windows.
Like a ghost town.
That night I just wished I would have been on the plane with Dave, who also couldn't enjoy his flight being too worried. Our house is still standing up and I didn't got directly effected.
But it was a scary experience.
I felt I just wanted to leave this place-
reviewing what happened I have to say it was actually great to see how people stuck together to clean the city up and how supportive everyone was towards the people who lost there homes and businesses.
You could feel that there are so much more positive productive people than negative destroying ones.
By now everything is pretty much back to normal, only that the city is still full off police.

I miss you David!!!
It's still 9 way too long days to go.
But the 1st crazy week is over. I am thankful for that.

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  1. :( Sad to read this. The videos I've seen are so insane, I can't imagine what it was like to be there. It's been nice to see all the kind people who are helping out.


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